
2023-07-27 08:45:53 投稿 301

十二生肖绘本故事 英文原版故事 音频
The十二生肖绘本故事 英文原版故事 音频
Story of the Chinese Zodiac Sign - Horse The horse is one of the twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac. According to legend, there was a great race held by the Jade Emperor to determine the order of the zodiac animals. The horse came in seventh in the race, making it the seventh sign in the zodiac cycle. In Chinese culture, the horse is known for its strength, power, and speed. It has become a symbol of success, loyalty, and independence. People born in the Year of the Horse are believed to be passionate, energetic, and cheerful. They are natural leaders who value freedom and adventure. There are many interesting stories associated with the horse in Chinese mythology. One story tells of a legendary horse named Huoyun, or "Fire Cloud," who was known for his speed and strength. One day, a wicked emperor demanded that Huoyun be brought to him so he could use the horse for his own purposes. Huoyun's owner, a loyal farmer named Zhang, refused to give up the horse and fled with him into the mountains. The emperor sent soldiers to find the horse, but they couldn't catch him because he was too fast. The soldiers eventually gave up, and Huoyun and Zhang were able to live out their days in peace. Legend has it that Huoyun lived to be over a hundred years old, and his spirit can still be seen racing across the countryside on stormy nights. Another famous horse hero in Chinese mythology is the famous General Guan Yu's Red Hare. The horse was said to be capable of running over thousands of miles without stopping, and it was so loyal to Guan Yu that it refused to obey anyone else. In Chinese astrology, the Year of the Horse is believed to bring good luck and fortune. People born in this year are said to be optimistic and adventurous, but they can also be reckless and impulsive. Overall, the horse is a beloved and important symbol in Chinese culture. Whether in stories of legendary horses like Huoyun and Red Hare or in everyday life, the horse continues to be a powerful and influential figure in Chinese mythology and astrology.9月运势最凶的生肖

本文标签: 英文版 简短 生肖 故事
